Weekly Schedule
We meet both in-person and online. All White Forest Sangha practice are offered free of charge, but donations are deeply appreciated.
We meet Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as well as Saturday mornings.
Tuesday Evenings
Introduction to Meditation— 7 to 8pm
We welcome you to come and experience silent meditation in our zendo – a safe, quiet space designed for meditation and silent contemplation. The meeting begins at 7pm with a short introduction followed by 30 minutes of silent meditation and then casual conversation until we adjourn around 8pm.
We suggest wearing loose clothing. If you are interested in joining us, please call or text Nicholas at 419-806-9927.

Wednesday Evenings

Zazenkai— 6 to 8pm
Zen meditation, liturgy, and discussion. Online and in the Fillmore Zendo. For more info please contact Nicholas via text at (419) 806-9927, or rosslernicholas44@gmail.com.
6:00-6:15 PM logon/seating in the zendo
6:15-6:55 zazen
6:55-7:15 chanting service
7:15-7:25 prepare for discussion
7:25-8:00 Dharma discussion
8:00 Bodhisattva vows and closing gatha
Saturday Mornings
Zazenkai— 9 to 11:30am
Zen meditation and liturgy. At the Fillmore Zendo. For more info please contact Nicholas via text at (419) 806-9927, or rosslernicholas44@gmail.com.
9:00-9:15 am seating in the zendo
9:15-9:55 am zazen
9:55-10:05 am kinhin (walking meditation)
10:05-10:55 am zazen
10:55-11:15 am chanting service