White Forest Sangha
A zen practice community rooted in the strength of vow, practice, wisdom and compassion
Our Zendo
The White Forest Sangha believes that Zen is a moment-by-moment practice in which we fully engage our experience on and off the cushion. We endeavor to actualize this in our daily lives; family, work, etc.Participation is open to all – those new to Zen practice and those with decades of experience.
About Our Sangha
We create a supportive community in Denver, built on the practices of precepts, meditation, and wisdom. We are a 501c3 charitable organization dedicated to the practice of Zen Buddhism in an urban lay environment.
Guidelines for Practice
Our Zendo is a place for quiet contemplation and mediation where everyone is welcome to practice.

“The White Forest Sangha and its members gave me a warm welcome as someone new to the practice of meditation. I quickly learned how to sit still and be calm even with all my thoughts and worries. This has allowed me to be a better member of my community, a better worker, and a better father. I am grateful for what I have learned.”
—Sangha Member